Basically I don't understand the point of collecting. I've definitely done it myself, even though I don't get it. Somehow it seems stupid. materialistic. greedy. What's the point? and what do you do with the stuff? The money spent could always be put to much better use.
But boy, once I get interested in certain items, I get obsessed with amassing more. I have to admit this has all occurred in later years, the deep empty nest years. I notice that there are a lot of silver haired collectors.
One of my first collections was sterling silver and turquoise insect pins, mostly vintage from Mexico. EBay has made collecting much easier. That's never how I get my first collection item, but I can't resist seeing what is out there, once something starts. This must also be indicative of retirement years. I HAVE THE TIME.
Some more of my collections have been Japanese postcards after an exhibit at the Boston MFA, huipiles from Guatemala to wear when I thought I was fat (not very), and the biggest of all, TERRIERS as anyone who knows me, knows I am a huge Terrierist. All because of Fenway, my little Welsh Terrier and Nipper, my childhood Scottish Terrier.
During an attic cleaning for a community yard sale this weekend, I found quite a spate of mid sized stuffed terriers. I decided to sell them on eBay to support my newest collection, Hankies, or Handkerchiefs.

Sixteen lots on eBay all ready to go. It was a massive amount of work, to photgraph them, measure them, describe them, acquire boxes for them, packing materials and bags to place them in, weigh them for postage and measure boxes, and then list them. They're ready to hit the auction block tonight.

Bully pulled my heartstrings years ago, even though he is not a terrier. Look at that face! Who could resist? Not me. But it's time for him to come out of hiding in the attic and find a new home.

What about this little face? Her chest is ripped and she can barely stand, but maybe someone will take her in, based on her expression, and give her some TLC.

All the way from Japan, came this dynamic duo. I couldn't bear to separate them so listed them together, maybe as cousins?

And these charming French kitties are priceless. (probably NOT) One of them has a music box that still works in her chest! Again, would I split up these two? NEVER.

Foxy is surely a Steiff but without i.d. His pose is so classic, so perfect. He is as naughty at they come (the way I like them) and ready to bite into an electrician's pants, one who is trying to drill and work at our house. (Did Fenway do that? YES.)
Now on to the latest collection, my motivation for selling the critters: HANKIES! I have acquired a few.

This is a limited edition Pucci which he made as a Christmas card for friends and associates. It was not disclosed as such when I bid on it and I was the only bidder. That was because the person listing it said it had "Italian or some other language on it," and didn't realize who or what it was. I didn't bid knowingly, just thought it was charming, appealing and cheap. Only days later did the writing click with me and I checked it against a Pucci scarf I have - Yip, the signature matched - Emilio- throughout. This is my best buy so far.

Second best is this zodiac hankie done by Tammis Keefe. She is a highly sought after designer who was popular in the fifties. She died at age 47 in the early sixties and her work is very desirable, not to mention thoroughly whimsical. I want MORE, but her pieces are expensive. This one was inexpensive and again, I was the only bidder. It's heavenly.

Jeanne Miller has done some traditional and then some whimsical work. This one I might have overpaid for because I love the graphics, but it DOES have quite a few pinholes in it.

Most of Ann McCann's work is not that appealing to me, but I fell in love with this one. The drawing is child like and near genius to me. I can't classify the figures - angels? Doesn't matter, they're cute, cute, cute. I have no interest in lace or hearts or flowers or serious themes.

Faith Austin is a little too traditional for my taste, but this one pleased me because of the googly eyed fish. And it's brand new with attached label.

Lastly my favorite of all, which I could not resist and paid a whopping $33. Ants dancing in the rain under colorful mushrooms? PLEASE! I'm all yours, Jean Hanau. French NOT Japanese as one would expect these days.
Can any reader think of a single justification for collecting? If so, please respond.