Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Two More Mifflettes

Two More Mifflettes
Originally uploaded by gramily
One mifflette is an owlish robot, and one is a shy little tree sprite.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Find of the Weekend

Find of the Weekend
Originally uploaded by gramily
I went wild over this poster board, silk-screened, found in Three of Cups in Bethlehem, NH. Bode Miller's mom sold it to me for $3.00. I love the baker with his jaunty chef's cap, textured rolling pin, vintage shoes and double pies on a tray! Check those eyes, that grin! He's almost as happy as I am.

Love the lettering too! How FRESH is Fresh?!

I think I'll dry mount this for my kitchen.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Going Crazy with Spring

A Man Who Lost His Head
Originally uploaded by gramily
T observed today that we push dirt around a lot. I realize a lot of my life revolves around trying to get control over messes. We create them, then we try to sort them out. We try to make nature orderly. It's such a losing battle. Why do we do it? (btw, I know the answer partially...bacteria, disease and all)

This spring weather makes me frantic. All winter I have had only the house to keep orderly. Now the whole outdoors is screaming at me. Thin the woods, make more light for the fruit trees, expose the lake more, prevent the deer from eating my plants, prune the wiegelia, cut back the raspberries, hack at the weeds obstructing the path to the lake. Not to mention the garage, the attic, the woolens.

I look at my neighbors and see their varying styles. One is uberneat, one is more of the "throw it out the door and forget about it." sort. Most are in between. And what difference does it make, i ask you? We have no control ultimately.

Let's all meditate instead!

I love the vision of what the world would look like should humans disappear from the face of the earth. Good bye to consciousness and quests for order.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008


Originally uploaded by gramily
Yesterday was Pesach, or Passover, which is a holiday celebrated by my husband's family. We were twenty-fold for the seder and it was a comfort to be with family, to reconnect with people I don't see that often who are related to T. Poignantly, I also miss my own family, my children spread from one side of the continent to the other. I remind myself of my blessings, of which there are a ridiculous amount, but allow myself to grieve for the presence of those I love, those children who no longer are children, and more recently, their children, my grandchildren.

This afternoon, I was on hold or being re-directed, or re-stating my internet problems to India and then to Advanced Tech Support at Hughes Net. (Currently I am sitting in a neighbor's driveway who is closer to civilization in order to upload this photo.) Did I say for TWO HOURS with no results except, Sorry, Nothing we can do... ?

This is an inconvenience and as a grown-up, I remind myself that is very different from a PROBLEM. While I was waiting to be helped I read an account in The New Yorker of a man trapped in an elevator for 41 hours. Yes, FORTY ONE HOURS. That was a problem. He entered the elevator one person, and emerged as another. Four years hence, he has not recovered.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mr Frog is my Valet

Mr Frog is my Valet
Originally uploaded by gramily
Mr. Frog holds my tools so when I need them I know just where to find them. 'Twas a gardening day yesterday and a bugless one too!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Snowless Deck

Snowless Deck
Originally uploaded by gramily
April 18 marked the very first day that the deck was entirely clear of snow! I swept it free of detritus, including leaves and loads of chaff from sunflower seeds under the bird-feeder. How satisfying to set the Adirondack chairs in place, ready for moments of repose. Abbie thought so too!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Heart Rock Ear

Heart Rock Ear
Originally uploaded by gramily
On an outing to Rockland, this fisherman in a mural made by Emily Muir showed me how well he listens with a Heart Rock Ear.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Four Little WIP Mifflettes

Four Little WIP Mifflettes
Originally uploaded by gramily
I had to rush to get some mifflettes made before my beloved sewing machine left for a decade overdue overhaul. They are waiting now for stuffing and faces and general embellishment.

Singer Away for a Week

Singer Away for a Week
Originally uploaded by gramily
This little Singer Featherweight has been in the family for three generations. I have always loved it and never wished for a new one. I sewed all the family clothes on it in the seventies. . My son begged me to give it to him but he will have to wait to inherit it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back
Originally uploaded by gramily
Blue skies in the rear view mirror as we drove into our beloved Maine from a weekend in Boston...

You Know I Love SOX!

You Know I Love SOX!
Originally uploaded by gramily
Last week it was baby boy Dexter socks, this week it is 2 year old Sophia socks. Still Gymboree. Syl suggests I shadow box them when the grandkids are done with them.

Sophia's Gorgeous Eyebrows

Sophia's Gorgeous Eyebrows
Originally uploaded by gramily
Sophia inherited gorgeous eyebrows, although the jury is out as to whether they are Ethan's, Cindy's or Syl's. We Woodbury/Clarks like to claim them!

Dylan's Blue Eyes

Dylan's Blue Eyes
Originally uploaded by gramily
I inherited my grandfather's blue eyes. None of his ten offspring got them. My kids didn't get them. Dylan did.

Mating Season

Mating Season
Originally uploaded by gramily
Ethan and Cindy live on the edge of the Blue Hills Conservation Area. The ducks are mating in the pond by their house. This male chased off another to claim his female.

Skunk Cabbage!

Skunk Cabbage!
Originally uploaded by gramily
Returning from CA, I'm struck by the paucity of flora in both MA and ME. However the swamps are just sprouting some greenery. Get a load of the skunk cabbage's seed pod.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tranisition ll

Tranisition ll
Originally uploaded by gramily
I could loll about all day trying to get over jet lag, OR I could go mifflette crazy. Mifflettes help me forget the babies I left in CA. This robot mifflette is made from a snatch of fabric that is Zachy's fuzzy (security blanket).

Transition l

Transition l
Originally uploaded by gramily
I fly on a red-eye from SJC to BOS and then take a 6 a.m. bus to Portland. T picks me up and we go to Becky's which is a mighty fine diner that serves great breakfasts starting at 4 a.m. You know it's a great spot when the parking lot is filled with pickup trucks stacked with lobster traps.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Leaving Los Gatos ll

Leaving Los Gatos ll
Originally uploaded by gramily
You might know what T wants from CA. These are from the farmer's market, though he requested the ones from a neighbor. However these ARE organic!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Happiness For Fifty Cents

Happiness For Fifty Cents
Originally uploaded by gramily
I've always loved thrift stores and now Zachy goes with me. This little truck hasn't left his hand all day and is now in bed with him.

This One's For Zadie!

This One's For Zadie!
Originally uploaded by gramily
This is Dexter, but it might as well be Zachy or Ethan. (the little one, I mean)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

What's in Bloom in CA - Calla Lilies

There are so many things in bloom here, my senses are on holiday whether I can mentally keep up or not. The scent of the jasmine is heady and discernible far in advance of sitings. I stoop to smell the freesia and then feel like chewing it right down to the root. (to see more of my flower photos go to flickr)

Friday, April 4, 2008

More Great Baby Sox

More Great Baby Sox
Originally uploaded by gramily
Okay, not quite as cute as the ant, but still pretty darn sweet, especially with pokus bulging out over the top.


Originally uploaded by gramily

Hold 'n Taste

Hold 'n Taste
Originally uploaded by gramily
Zachy's idea of helping make cookies is to "HOLD {the bowl} and TASTE!"

Telling Secrets

Telling Secrets
Originally uploaded by gramily
Rosa Pomar's monkey #765 is telling Dexter secrets from Portugal.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cutest Socks Ever!

Cutest Socks Ever!
Originally uploaded by gramily
Who thought of putting one little leaf-toting ant on a baby sock? That person makes me smile every time these transition out of the dryer and onto Dexter's feet. (They are made by Gymboree)

Searching for Squirrels

Searching for Squirrels
Originally uploaded by gramily
Doesn't he have that Searching for Squirrels look on his face, the one that connects characters in Beatrix Potter with the world outside his window?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Books to Read to Zach

Books to Read to Zach
Originally uploaded by gramily
These are the books (some) I chose to bring to California to read to my two year old grandson. Can you see a theme? I dIdn't realize it till I got here. It must be SPRING!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Poissons d'avril

Poissons d'avril
Originally uploaded by gramily
My friend Deborah from Montreal sent me these gorgeous stamped fish!