Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sewing When it Rains (it rains a lot)

This poor guy is missing his bottom thingamajiggie/lobe (Help! Lisa?) but seems to be managing just fine amongst the scilla of some sort.

Mifflette-with-a-heart is off on a healing purpose, to TX, I think.

My mesh yoga mat bag fell apart. I was inspired to make a new one from this beautiful embroidered upholstery fabric remnant, given to me some years back by a Manhattan seamstress. I matched up the major flower with a pocket and that is what you see facing out.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Few Photos, Few Words

On his way to Cambria, WI

Contrast between hosta leaves, iris leaves and iris pleases me

Completed capelet itches my chin and will be frogged...doesn't please me

Lily arrangements at the MFA

She knows how to wink!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Twenty-five Years in the Dirt

A neighbor gave me a call from a residence I lived in twenty-five years ago. She said she found something buried in the earth that was mine. I wondered how in the heck she could know it was mine, but when I retrieved it, clearly it belonged to no one else but me, unless YOU know of another Emmy Lou Woodbury, with the date of August 12, 1945 inscribed inside. The silver shined up perfectly though it won't fit anyone beyond three years old.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Maker Faire

May 30-31 was the annual Bay Area Maker Faire in which DYI types show their stuff. It was tons of fun and inspiring.

Robotic rickshaw
a festival I'd definitely go to, if I were in town...imagine ALTERED BARBIES!
Altered Barby disply #1
Altered Barby display #2
extravagant ball rollways/tracks set up by different participants, used and then reconstructed several times a day