Since returning from CA, there hasn't been a night that has been above 0 degrees fahrenheit. My bedroom is the coldest in the house and it's shivery cold when I hop in bed. From my friend, Hazel, I learned the benefits of the hot water bottle. It keeps my toes warm all night long and is still warm when I get out of bed in the morning.
From my friend, Jan, I learned that it is absolutely necessary to have a hood on one's jacket in this environment and that you can go outside every single day if you are dressed appropriately. Yesterday I would have shunned any outdoor activity as it was -20 F when I got up, BUT Jan convinced me it was perfectly fine for snow shoeing on Lake Pocasset. (By the time we went, it was a tropical +20 F!) It was heavenly and I almost forgot that I professed to like California weather better than Maine's.
The Norwegians say "no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes" and it rhymes... I'm not sure, but something like "dae finne ikkes dorlay vaer, barra dorlayga klaer". Is Hazel English? A few folks are coming to my house tomorrow (thursday) evening to knit, wanna come? Patricia used to... she's been busy lately. Email me for directions if you want...