We took a trip to a small town that is dominated by a monolith, Bernal, MX. Actually, though dominated by a monolith, it is really dominated by tourism. This little girl captured my attention because she was reading the newspaper being handed out to passersby. After I took her photo, I told her she was very beautiful, and then I got an even better photo because she burst into a huge smile and thanked me. My favorite photos in Mexico are of the children.
The sombrero that I got in Patzcuaro blows off my head when it is windy, so I brought it to my favorite cobbler and asked him to put in two grommeted holes and fit it with a long leather cord to tie under my chin. He was called at home and while I waited for him, I admired the many old tiles on his floor.
Just so you know, Dylan has his eye on the monkey bag "because I like monkeys. But I don't like them screaming at me".