Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blurred by Tears

Corina and Jay were married July 25 at the Hotel Monaco, Washington D.C. It was an awesome wedding and reception and we're exhausted with happiness.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Honeysuckle Popping

For two days now I have been trying to upload photos of my latest project to no avail. I'll keep trying, but meanwhile the news is that I have totally succumbed to a massive landscaping project and am rarely blogging. Obviously. Our woods have been taken over by the nasty invasive honeysuckle bush which I am removing bit by bit. It's back breaking work, but absorbing, challenging and rewarding. It's all part of the grand scheme to make the woods grandchild friendly between our house and the lake. I've just ordered a HONEYSUCKLE POPPER kit as well. BTW, the bugs are ferocious and I wear a net over my head. It gets really hot in there, but I still prefer it to bug dope. I have to wear long pants and long sleeves as well. pant pant pun intended.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Grub Seeking

At dusk, we saw THIS out the front window:

At dawn, we saw THIS:
Frankly, we don't care about lawn anyway, but we're not wild about her living under our screen porch.

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Gardening Pal

My friend Nan from Boston assisted me in planting pansies at the library in April. Now it's July and she's back helping me install some lovely supplements. Gardening with Nan is much more fun than gardening alone, especially in this continual rain. Thanks, Nan!