It never really worked well, but what did we know? We hadn't handled one of these machines in twenty, thirty years! It seemed like we pushed dirt around a lot without actually sucking anything up. T pointed out that if we used the pet attachment meant for upholstery and got down on our hands and knees, we could get good results on the rugs. I often used the dust buster after vacuuming to get the missed residue on both rugs and hardwood floors.
I figured I was just dumb to fall for the CR evaluations and should have bought an Electrolux like all the smart shoppers I knew. This week, I got to the limit of frustration (six months after purchasing the vc) and finally took the vc into Sears to ask if they would test it out for me, tell me if I was doing something wrong and/or if something was wrong with the machine.
It only took a few seconds for the salesman to determine that indeed, the power head was broken. I want to tell you that I was given a new machine on the spot without a sales slip, without my original credit card, no questions asked and they carried the new one out to my car like I was royalty. YAY, SEARS!
I used it today and it was so obviously operational! NOW I know why this machine was a best bet. (Plus while waiting for attention, another customer told me he had the same thing happen with an Electrolux with not nearly the satisfaction Sears gave me.)
I am just ready to chuck my sears canister vac. Same thing happened w/ this as the last... the power attachment ceases to work. And then on the last one the middle wheel broke, causing a crack in the casing, which meant no more suck. Oh, and I have to buy the super expensive bags because the normal bags for the machine always ALWAYS slip out of position, causing reduced suck and half the dirt in the machine and not in the bag. Since the power head hasn't worked in forever... and I asked Sears about it back when, it would've been some $$ to fix... we've used the floor brush on our one rug. With not such great results. And it has caused the plastic connector for the metal tubes to crack from the pressure of pushing it back and forth a lot on the rug. I don't know what I'm ready for, but it probably won't be another of these. Glad you had a good experience though!