Thursday, April 24, 2008

Going Crazy with Spring

A Man Who Lost His Head
Originally uploaded by gramily
T observed today that we push dirt around a lot. I realize a lot of my life revolves around trying to get control over messes. We create them, then we try to sort them out. We try to make nature orderly. It's such a losing battle. Why do we do it? (btw, I know the answer partially...bacteria, disease and all)

This spring weather makes me frantic. All winter I have had only the house to keep orderly. Now the whole outdoors is screaming at me. Thin the woods, make more light for the fruit trees, expose the lake more, prevent the deer from eating my plants, prune the wiegelia, cut back the raspberries, hack at the weeds obstructing the path to the lake. Not to mention the garage, the attic, the woolens.

I look at my neighbors and see their varying styles. One is uberneat, one is more of the "throw it out the door and forget about it." sort. Most are in between. And what difference does it make, i ask you? We have no control ultimately.

Let's all meditate instead!

I love the vision of what the world would look like should humans disappear from the face of the earth. Good bye to consciousness and quests for order.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but I really hate it when my neighbors dooryard all their junk. And it sits and sits and sits. Like the tv wrapped in paper that has been at the end of she-who-must-not-be-named's driveway.
