A lot of people ask me what the name "mifflette" means. It all started in the seventies (1970s) when my own children were toddlers. Dick Bruna wrote a series of books, beginning in 1953, about a rabbit named Miffy. I think Creative Playthings, our favorite toy label, carried the Miffy books and doll. Our family loved them, as they were simple stories, with equally simple illustrations. Unfortunately we have no surviving books, but I do have the Miffy doll, as you can see.
When I started making soft toys and rabbits in particular, my eyes gazed lovingly on Miffy. The name of "mifflettes," popped into my head as offspring of this beloved doll. Yes, they are MIFFlettes.
Miffy is from the Nethlerlands but she has permeated most of the world now. Isn't she marvelous? Thank you, Dick Bruna!
Glad you explained all that! And how cool that they've travelled all over the world!