Saturday, December 20, 2008

Vasona Park Festival of Lights

Santa Clara Parks puts on an extraordinary festival of lights in Vasona Park each year. Last night the boys were wide awake at 8 p.m. so we took them on over to view the ongoing extravaganza. It's a vehicles-only event in which riders are invited to tune into a special radio station to hear holiday music as they drive through the park. It takes about 30 minutes from start to finish. We were all pretty impressed and I am sorry to say I am not including a video of the action as most of the figures move.

Jack-in-the-Boxes must have been more popular 100 years ago. Z still hasn't seen one and doesn't quite get it about the surprise element.

Dexie was WIDE AWAKE, though facing backward (and me in the far seat), and delighted!

Happy Solstice to all as tomorrow is the shortest day of the year!

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