Sunday, December 20, 2009

Watching Ice Age

They were watching Ice Age while the adults watched the unrated version of The Hangover.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Small Sock Monkeys

Small Sock Monkeys
Originally uploaded by gramily
Smaller socks = smaller monkeys. These cotton guys are pure trouble, though one sports milagros and piggies fenced in. His buddy has a crewel wool yarn hat, or maybe it's hair escaping from the hat! They're wacky but lovable and available for best offer. You know where to find me.

Three Sock Monkeys

Three Sock Monkeys
Originally uploaded by gramily
These guys are just back from Boston if anyone wants one/two/three.
Make me an offer at

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Critter of the Day

Lamb or monkey or aberrant? I'm not sure. These socks did not work out as well as I envisioned so I just kept working away at this critter. S/he's definitely different and took a loooong time to make, yet s/he was totally enjoyable to work on. After putting the piggy trim around the middle, it seemed like milagros would work well as a neck piece to complement the trim. The hat was whimsy and now I am taking a break before deciding whether or not a tail is needed and what type it should be - puffy little thing or long and twisty. After seeing Fantastic Mr. Fox, I am taken with a real fluffy one.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Complet! (That's French for Finished!)

It took me most of the day, off and on, to complete it, but it was fun. Best of all, Ms. Mifflette really likes her new hat and says she feels rather French in it.

Bunny-Ear Cap

My favorite mifflette this season is nakedly beautiful. She needs something, though, to enforce her mifflette-ness as all her peers have embellishments of one sort or another. Since I love her all-whiteness, I finally settled on knitting her a white alpaca cap.

After a couple of false starts, I think I finally have it and though it represents a lot of time, it is also a lot of fun. Isn't that always the way? Right now, I am working with eight needles, seven for holding and one for the actual knitting.

I'll post the end result, hopefully later today.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Visual Cure for Headaches

During this month I have been trying a new headache cure taught to me by my dentist, Roger Kay. I mentioned that my teeth ached after running in weather that was cool to cold. In looking at my dental x-rays, it was apparent that my sinuses were hovering closely over my teeth. Dr. Kay explained that signals to the brain can get confused and my sinuses and teeth could have indirect responses to pain. I told him I had frequent headaches (sometimes daily) and he asked if I were interested in curing them with visualization techniques. He got me interested when he said it was based on PHYSICS, as it is impossible for two things to occupy the same space at once. Frankly, I was hooked more on it being a SCIENTIFIC, rather that "New Age" technique.

I have been using his technique this month with spectacular results. Previously, the fewest amount of headaches I experienced in a month was thirteen (I have taken sumitriptan to control pain). That was a GOOD month. In fact, the average amount was closer to twenty. Here it is the end of November and I have had the grand total of seven headaches! I have medicated four of them. That means I have gone from using close to EIGHTEEN sumatriptan tablets a month to FOUR!

Here is my interpretation of the technique:
Sit or lie comfortably in a quiet space where one can tune out the world.
Breathe slowly and intentionally, deeply.
Picture the pain in a concrete way. Dr. Kay suggested giving it as a shape. I picture it as smoke whirling around my head.
Breathe in, picturing fresh air coming into your head, pain-free air. I picture it as icy blue.
Breathe out, picturing the pain leaving. With me, I picture yellow smoke leaving my nostrils.
While breathing in and out slowly and deeply, I am picturing the pain-as-smoke getting less and less.
I say to myself, BLUE as I inhale, YELLOW as I exhale.

If it doesn't work entirely in about ten minutes, I move on, but I come back to this during the time that the headache lasts. Sometimes it doesn't erase the headache entirely, but alleviates it significantly.

Most surprising of all is the fact that I have had far fewer onsets of headaches this month. It's almost as if my headaches have sought other territories where they are freer to roam...or died!


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Calvados Galette

I'm very pleased with the appearance of my calvados galette, though I haven't tasted it yet, nor whipped up the calvados creme.

Pine Cone Hat

Can any of my knitty friends figure out how to make this pine cone hat? It look like a pine cone on the head and I LOVE IT! The designer also makes a PORCUPINE hat. Follow the Katie Mawson link to see it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I'm off to assemble the apple galette parts, having made the calvados apple sauce two days ago, the crust yesterday and now to peel, core and slice the apples and fill the crust and bake it. The calvados whipped cream will be whipped and put on top. and that's all I have to bake for Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I'm NEVER leaving home without my camera again. Thinking I would see nothing worth photographing today when I left for a neighboring town, I didn't bother to bring the point-and-shoot.

First I saw what appeared to be a teen boy at the edge of the woods, in a bright red sweatshirt, leaning on a huge felled tree, using a laptop?? Could it have been? Well, I'll never know, methought, as he won't be there when I make the return trip 30 minutes later. HE WAS! most definitely using a lap top. What a current photo that would have been!

Then, the huge flock of sheep wearing all different sorts of blankets! What a sight! Why? To keep them warm as their fleece had been shorn? Or?

But, poor reader, you'll have to form pictures in your mind instead of seeing the real things. Promise: I'm not leaving home without my camera again.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Monkey With Attitude

The lastest monkey is kinda fierce. I think he needs handling by the right kind of boy. Any takers? contact elw207AThotmailDOTcom

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This lot went to Open Studios with POD also. I wonder how many of them came back to Brookline.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Zach and his Birthday Gift

Syl and Bob got Zach CHICKENS (bantams - Spike, Rusty and Dusty) for his fourth birthday (Nov. 29). Syl reports that Spike and Zach have bonded. I remember when Syl bonded with her own chicken, Funnyfeathers in about 1977 or 78. I must admit I feel some pride in this choice of gifts, as if somehow Syl's upbringing had a positive impact on her in some ways, at least.

Having just spent a week with Zach and brother Dex (and cousins Sohpia and Dylan), I was pleased to note that Zach has a real love of nature, especially birds. Apparently on a recent holiday he asked if he were able to catch a seagull, could he keep it? YES, his parents said, for obvious reasons. Then, with me, he was back at it trying to trap a goose into his arms. I love his fearless and joyous approach to living things. He also loves bugs. When stung by a bee, he didn't cry but reported, "it's only a bee!"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Great Jeans Quest

Determined to find a pair of jeans that felt comfortable and looked good, I went heavily into research. Two personal fashion gurus said, "YES, designer jeans do make a difference in good fit." Do you know how many jeans designers there are out there? Too many to make the process simple. But ZAPPOS makes it easier by having a huge variety and free shipping and returns.

Out of four pairs, I kept two:
1. DKNY black skinny jeans, size 6 (from Zappos, $63)
2. Seven for all Mankind, high rise, skinny jeans, azure, size 29 (from Barneys, on sale $185 reduced to $119)

And don't forget, Size 10 is the new Size 6. I'm really a ten, only a six in the USA.

These both fit great and are flattering and don't ride up or down. YAY! I plan to wear them to death in ME, MA, CA, and MX.

I recommend lots of measuring of the body and jeans to find the right pair for YOU!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Flying to Florence

These two duos are going off to Western MA to an Open Studios event. I need to get five more ready before tomorrow! Yikes. There's a lot more yard work to do too, and the porch furniture to store, and, and, and...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mexican Independence Day

Since using Facebook in the last few months, I've neglected this blog site. I'm also not feeling that public. But now in Mexico for Mexican Independence Day, and subsequent days/weeks, I thought I'd post a few photos along the way.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blurred by Tears

Corina and Jay were married July 25 at the Hotel Monaco, Washington D.C. It was an awesome wedding and reception and we're exhausted with happiness.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Honeysuckle Popping

For two days now I have been trying to upload photos of my latest project to no avail. I'll keep trying, but meanwhile the news is that I have totally succumbed to a massive landscaping project and am rarely blogging. Obviously. Our woods have been taken over by the nasty invasive honeysuckle bush which I am removing bit by bit. It's back breaking work, but absorbing, challenging and rewarding. It's all part of the grand scheme to make the woods grandchild friendly between our house and the lake. I've just ordered a HONEYSUCKLE POPPER kit as well. BTW, the bugs are ferocious and I wear a net over my head. It gets really hot in there, but I still prefer it to bug dope. I have to wear long pants and long sleeves as well. pant pant pun intended.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Grub Seeking

At dusk, we saw THIS out the front window:

At dawn, we saw THIS:
Frankly, we don't care about lawn anyway, but we're not wild about her living under our screen porch.

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Gardening Pal

My friend Nan from Boston assisted me in planting pansies at the library in April. Now it's July and she's back helping me install some lovely supplements. Gardening with Nan is much more fun than gardening alone, especially in this continual rain. Thanks, Nan!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sewing When it Rains (it rains a lot)

This poor guy is missing his bottom thingamajiggie/lobe (Help! Lisa?) but seems to be managing just fine amongst the scilla of some sort.

Mifflette-with-a-heart is off on a healing purpose, to TX, I think.

My mesh yoga mat bag fell apart. I was inspired to make a new one from this beautiful embroidered upholstery fabric remnant, given to me some years back by a Manhattan seamstress. I matched up the major flower with a pocket and that is what you see facing out.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Few Photos, Few Words

On his way to Cambria, WI

Contrast between hosta leaves, iris leaves and iris pleases me

Completed capelet itches my chin and will be frogged...doesn't please me

Lily arrangements at the MFA

She knows how to wink!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Twenty-five Years in the Dirt

A neighbor gave me a call from a residence I lived in twenty-five years ago. She said she found something buried in the earth that was mine. I wondered how in the heck she could know it was mine, but when I retrieved it, clearly it belonged to no one else but me, unless YOU know of another Emmy Lou Woodbury, with the date of August 12, 1945 inscribed inside. The silver shined up perfectly though it won't fit anyone beyond three years old.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Maker Faire

May 30-31 was the annual Bay Area Maker Faire in which DYI types show their stuff. It was tons of fun and inspiring.

Robotic rickshaw
a festival I'd definitely go to, if I were in town...imagine ALTERED BARBIES!
Altered Barby disply #1
Altered Barby display #2
extravagant ball rollways/tracks set up by different participants, used and then reconstructed several times a day

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Billy Goats on the Bridge

One can hear Tillie in the background issuing warnings to the billy goats on the bridge at Bachman Park.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spring Blooms and Shadows

Spring flowers are still going strong, and I may miss some bounty when I am off again, two weeks away from here. My flower garden is well fertilized, weeded and the peonies are supported. The Phoebe family is back under the eaves above my workspace, my refuge, my garden.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Unraveled and Resurrected Anew

I can't believe I didn't record the unraveling of a sweater which consisted of yarn I adored. I had to give up on the wear-ability of the sweater, but it dawned on me (duh!) that I could unravel the sweater and reuse the yarn.

The sweater was purchased at Garnet Hill and exorbitantly expensive, even at half price. It's claim was hand painted, hand spun yarn. After machine washing, the arm holes became tight and I hadn't worn it in years. So.... I unraveled it, which was quite a chore since it had matted and "grown" together.

Now I'm excited about making it into a capelet (yet another one) of my own design. It's to be an all over ribbed pattern, funnel neck, and shoulders that grow out from the center rather than raglan style. In other words, it will mimic, but not duplicate, the Shadow Dance Capelet I made in the brioche pattern some years back. It should be much easier. I'm keeping track of how it's done so I can repeat it. People have asked me to help them make the Shadow Dance capelet and I always have to disappoint them by telling them it is deceptively difficult. Which it WAS! Now I can help them make a simpler style, once I fine tune this one.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Marilynne Robinson

My favorite quote lately comes from an interview with Marilynne Robinson in The Paris Review, Fall 2008:

People are frightened of themselves. It’s like Freud saying that the best thing is to have no sensation at all, as if we’re supposed to live painlessly and unconsciously in the world. I have a much different view. The ancients are right: the dear old human experience is a singular, difficult, shadowed, brilliant experience that does not resolve into being comfortable in the world. The valley of the shadow is part of that, and you are depriving yourself if you do not experience what humankind has experienced, including doubt and sorrow. We experience pain and difficulty as failure instead of saying, I will pass through this, everyone I have ever admired has passed through this, music has come out of this, literature has come out of it. We should think of our humanity as a privilege.

Friday, May 1, 2009

at POD

The grandboys and I took the mifflettes to POD the other day. You can buy owl or bear on line through POD's on-line store. Diane let them rearrange the window, though Dex thought he was taking the rubber duckies home. I love collaborating with Julie, owner of POD!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Inside and Out

New Kids on the Block - I can't seem to keep track of the time when I am doing the last detailed hand sewing. However, it's clear that I spend at least three hours on each critter and make far less than minimum wage when they are sold. This litter is all linen, vintage and designer.

The Red Sox chemo cap is ready for its new owner, thanks to Tracy Wheeler in IA and Ravelry for the yarn that I needed to complete it. Tracy gifted me with it a skein-plus when I put out a cry of panic as I was falling short.
Meet Daphne, the Wild Queen of the Woods.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Gardening Again

It took twenty wheelbarrows-full, thirty shovels in each load, to cover my flower garden. While I worked I heard the return of the phoebes who inhabit the same nest under the eaves each year, mating osprey, a woodpecker though I couldn't see which one(s). Last year at this time I saw a yellow-bellied sapsucker and sometimes we see a pair of pileated peckers. But this time, I just couldn't see them.

Explosions of color are small, but thrilling, like this chinodoxa forbesil, a perennial favorite of mine.
TĂȘte-a-tĂȘtes bloomed all at once during the day.
A bee died in this crocus. Do you suppose s/he overate in the glory of spring? It was very hard to photograph for some reason, but if you look closely, you can see the furry body.