This is what happened because I didn't check my gauge before knitting a hat for a grandchild; it fits T instead! Of course he is delighted. He loves the hat and so it is his. It was supposed to be a child's SMALL!
A great thing though, was the learning of a new technique: attaching an i-cord to the hat rim. I had the darnedest time figuring out from the directions how to accomplish this. The directions merely said, "attach cord to lower edge of hat by knitting last st of I-cord tog with 1st st from hat through back loop." I gave up after several attempts and googled, " i cord attachment knitting" and up came a brilliant YouTube demonstration that put me immediately on the right track. I LOVE GOOGLE! I love the teacher who lives in my house and is always available!
What a great hat... love hats for quick easy projects to try new things! Way to go on the I cord too.