Sunday, October 26, 2008


There's always the Los Gatos Farmer's Market with mouth watering vegetables like these unusual-to-me cucumbers.
Indiscreet (the movie starring Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant) was playing early this a.m. on t.v.- a nice break from Curious George. I mentioned to Syl that there were no straight men like the role CG was playing and Syl said even CG himself had said he wished he were Cary Grant.

Oddly enough that very morning, at the Farmer's Market there was some wonderful live jazz which Zach must have noticed. When his dearest friend Sarah arrived, he took her by the hand and lead her to the music and began dancing with her. I'M SERIOUS! Note Sarah's tiara and necklaces. She must have been ready for the move.

I thought this was an artificial Hawaiian lei when I saw it from the corner of my eye. NO, it is the grapevine at Syl's, with an interwoven Morning Glory.
And that Dex - a mere cold can't keep him from smiling 'round the clock!

1 comment:

  1. as usual great pictures! what a beautiful, stunning young couple.thanks for sharing
