A perfect summer day in Wayne Maine looks like this: 1)bicycle ride to the library's used book sale, where $5 is spent purchasing 20 children's books and repartee exchanged with the sharp-witted cashier, retired criminal lawyer, 2)uphill-downhill long walk on a dirt road with two other women in their sixties with discussions on mortality, relationships with our children in their thirties, 3)annual grilled cheese and tomato sandwich at the famed Tubby's of Wayne Maine 4)afternoon gardening among the 6' neon phlox , 5)o'clock vodka, lime and tonic cocktail, and 6)dinner on the screen porch consisting of homemade-by-my-husband tomato sauce and pasta, garlic bread, edamame ( his) and fresh garden (his) salad, with T's son in attendance. HEAVEN.
Yeah, that sounds like a good day! I spent yesterday in Lincoln teaching young women some self defense skills. Also a good day. (LOVE love that dog!)